You’ll need the Barclays mobile app on your phone
Step A
Click on the Go to my bank button to launch your Barclays mobile app.
- Log in to your mobile app with your passcode or your fingerprint or your face ID
Choose the account to allow access to and click on Continue
⚠️Credit cards and savings accounts cannot be linked ⚠️
You’ll be automatically redirected back to the Hilton Honors Debit Card app.
Step B
On the Last step screen, click on the Go to my bank to confirm button to launch your Barclays mobile app and set up your direct debit.
- Log in to your mobile app with your passcode or your fingerprint or your face ID
- On the consent screen, click on Continue
You’ll be redirected back to the Hilton Honors Debit Card app to choose your PIN.
🏦If you are trying to link to a joint account, please make sure your ‘joint account sharing’ is enabled. Find out more here.
With the Barclays mobile app
Step A
Click on the Go to my bank button to be redirected to the Barclays secure online banking app.
- Log in to Mobile Banking on your phone with your passcode or your fingerprint or your face ID
- Select More > Settings > Third Party Permissions > Give your permission
- Enter the access code given on the Barclays page and click Submit (Make sure you complete this process within 5 minutes)
Choose the account to allow access to and click on Continue
⚠️Credit cards and savings accounts cannot be linked ⚠️
The page will refresh itself and you’ll be redirected to the Hilton Honors Debit Card app.
Step B
On the Last step screen, click on the Go to my bank to confirm button to be redirected to the Barclays secure online banking app and set up your direct debit.
- Log in to Mobile Banking on your phone with your passcode or your fingerprint or your face ID
- Select More > Settings > Third Party Permissions > Give your permission
- Enter the access code given on the Barclays page and click Submit (Make sure you complete this process within 5 minutes)
- On the consent screen, click on Continue
You’ll be redirected back to the Hilton Honors Debit Card app to choose your PIN.
With the PINsentry and your log in credentials
Step A
Click on the Go to my bank button to be redirected to the Barclays secure online banking website.
- Enter your surname/last name
- Log in using either your membership number (12 digits) or card number (16 digits) or sort code and account number (14 digits)
- Click on Next Step
- Select PINsentry and follow the instructions
- Click on Log in to Online Banking
Choose the account to allow access to and click on Continue
⚠️Credit cards and savings accounts cannot be linked ⚠️
The page will refresh itself and you’ll be redirected to the Hilton Honors Debit Card app.
Step B
On the Last step screen, click on the Go to my bank to confirm button to be redirected to the Barclays secure online banking website and set up your direct debit.
- Enter your surname/last name
- Log in using either your membership number (12 digits) or card number (16 digits) or sort code and account number (14 digits)
- Click on Next Step
- Select PINsentry and follow the instructions
- Click on Log in to Online Banking
- On the consent screen, click on Continue
You’ll be redirected back to the Hilton Honors Debit Card website to choose your PIN.
🏦If you are trying to link to a joint account, please make sure your ‘joint account sharing’ is enabled. Find out more here.